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английского языка
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    6 работающих лайфхаков по изучению английского языка

    Для того, чтобы эффективно освоить иностранную речь, уже мало просто выучить правила грамматики или запомнить тысячу новых слов. Всё чаще можно убедиться в том, что для полного погружения в другой язык необходимо его постоянное присутствие в повседневной жизни. В сегодняшней статье мы поделимся с вами несколькими лайфхаками, которые облечат ваше обучение, сделав его более доступным и удобным.

    As an educator and a learner, I have always been observing the aspects of learning and teaching very closely, and throughout the years, I came to some conclusions which can make learning a language easier, in this case English Language, and Russian for me as I am learning Russian.

    Language centers and schools are of high importance when it comes to learning a language, but we shouldn’t give a blind eye on the aspect of practicing in our daily life, doing some outclass activities that can support us in enriching our vocabulary in the targeted language.

    There are some lifehacks that we can easily do, but we as humans have that dark side of forgetting or finding excuses to not do them. Me as well, sometimes I find excuses.

    Motivation and commitment, discipline and having a strong will, alongside loving what we do and relating it to a goal in our life, all of these aspects come together to make us see the outcomes of our determined work. You have time and you have the energy, spend them well and don’t waste them.

    I would first like to introduce the concept of The Dynamic Emersion of Learning. This approach elaborates the concept of acquiring a mother tongue from childhood. We were born, then at a certain age, we started speaking, but how? The answer is, we were kind of asleep for some time, but the brain wasn’t. Our subconsciousness is a mysterious realm of storing memory, it only takes some time so that you notice that a child starts using words and grammar structures in speaking. This is due to unleashing that subconscious information to the consciousness. And it is believed that if we follow the same concept, we could do the same by surrounding ourselves with the targeted language. It’s dynamic and efficient.

    And thus, here are some lifehacks that I would gladly like to share with you, and I hope that you try at least one of them.

    Colored stickers for enriching vocabulary

    You’re in your house and there are many items that are around you, buy colored stickers and stick them to those items and write their names in English. From a door knob to a jar of jam. If you do this and give it enough time and attention, you’ll certainly see yourself growing faster in learning vocabulary.

    Shopping List

    We all go to shopping malls and bazars, we all go to supermarkets and stores, so why not writing shopping lists in English? I’m certain that this idea sounds simple, but just give it a try and take the initiative of naming some vegetables in the bazar in English. You’d find that we can’t name most of them. If you know them in your mother tongue, translate them into English and use it whenever you go out shopping.


    Writing, at least once a week, will make you see that you’ll be faced with some blockage in expressing some emotions and thoughts, there will be some gaps in vocabulary and that’s the exact point where you’ll go and translate those missing words in English, the next step is using those words in English in your pieces of writing, and since they’re your personal pieces of writing, you’ll certainly remember the words whenever you give them a read. And whenever you read again as you’re developing your grammar skills, you’ll be able to identify your own mistakes and correct them. So, try it out, write diaries and narratives from your life experience, write about your daily routine and future plans.

    TV Series, Movies, and Music

    Going back to the dynamic emersion of learning, when you watch a tv series or a movie, or listen to songs, you’re not compelled to understand every word that is being said, because you’re listening isn’t going in vain, everything you hear is being stored in your subconsciousness and it’ll certainly find its way out with time. You could use your mother tongue subtitles depending on your level, I’d prefer from beginner to elementary, but as soon as you become a pre-intermediate, start watching and listening with English subtitles. However, don’t give your full attention to reading subtitles.

    When you’re about to finish the pre-intermediate level, don’t hesitate to get rid of subtitles even if it’ll seem challenging, it’ll be high time for you to adapt to your active listening and different variables of English, culturally, terminologically, and grammatically.

    Social Media and Gadgets

    If you’re using your gadgets in your mother tongue, try to change them into English and don’t hesitate to use your social media in English, join pages and groups that share in English, read and share as well, make English speaking friends and communicate with them in different topics, observe the language they use and try to use the same.


    Reading is one of the best methods to learn vocabulary and grammar, idioms and technical terms if needed. If you’re not a heavy reader, you could just start with short articles. If you are faced with new words, underline them and write them down on a special notebook, try to observe grammatical structures and follow the same when you write your own pieces of writing.

    At the end, it’ll be very interesting as well if you use English in what you really love in your personal life, from music genres to categories of movies, from what you want to share with the world to making your voice heard, or simply to be able to communicate with the outer world or use English for your academic and occupational purposes.


    VERBS — Глаголы:

    Enrich /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/ — обогащать, улучшать
    /ɪˈlæbəreɪt/— вдаваться в подробности, уточнять
    /ʌnˈliːʃ/ — вызывать, развязать

    NOUNS — Существительные:

    Commitment /kəˈmɪtmənt/— обязательство, преданность делу
    /sʌbˈkɒnʃəsnəs/ — подсознание
    Realm /relm/ — область, сфера

    Idioms/Useful phrases — Идиомы/Полезные выражения:

    Give a blind eye /ɡɪv ə blaɪnd aɪ/— закрывать глаза, не замечать
    Have a strong will
    /hæv ə strɒŋ wɪl/ — иметь сильную волю, обладать сильным желанием

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    Ayoub Harache

    Программы по изучению английского языка

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