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    7 необходимых пунктов, которые стоит добавить в ваше резюме на английском

    «Как написать резюме на английском?», — если вы хоть раз задумывались о работе в иностранной компании, то вы наверняка задавались этим вопросом. Что стоит включать в свое резюме, а какую информацию упоминать не стоит, чтобы получить работу мечты, вы узнаете из этой статьи. 

    As you must have noticed recently, a lot of changes have been happening. And, following changes in the world around us, many of us have decided to either change their careers completely or at least change their workplace and make their lives better in some ways. So, what do you need first when you look for a new job apart from courage? An updated CV, of course. Let’s see what should be in a good resume, which would show you in the best light possible.

    Personal information

    As obvious as it seems, don't forget to mention your name, address and contact details. I mean you do want your potential employer to be able to contact you, right?

    A personal statement

    Basically, here you focus on who you are, what you can offer and what your career aims are. 

    Describe your work experience

    Only list relevant experience, with the most recent on top and mention:

     The job title
     Company name
     Location (city and country)
     Dates of your employment
     Short description of your duties and accomplishments 

    Skills and competencies

    You can just enumerate skills as nouns and gerunds. For example, good management skills, analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, etc.


    Last but not least, your education and additional training. Mention these: 

     The name of the schools attended
     Your degree
     Your graduation date
     Add relevant courses


    These are things you did that had a lasting impact on your company. Maybe you received an award, came up with a new idea that improved things or even increased revenues or sales of the company. 

    Interests and hobbies

    Here you can mention anything you like doing with your free time unless it’s something you wouldn't like your employer to be aware of. The goal here is to show a bit of your personality. 

    Написание резюме требует множества усилий и потраченного времени, поэтому стоит запастись терпением и у вас обязательно получится написать идеально CV!

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    Natalya Mamonova

    Программы по изучению английского языка

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    Курсы английского языка для студентов и взрослых
    Английский для детей
    Программы изучения английского языка для детей