I woke up with this one. Immediately I made a sound of being awoken this morning and my daughter came running towards my inflatable bed. Still summer time, can imagine, I'm not at home right? It dawned on me I need to drop some lines for dear parents of very young learners. Ah! Before I continued, my daughter just said the usual «Good morning, daddy».
Dear parents, I wanna say a BIG well done to you all for your efforts towards the education of your children (learing English language). Well, apart from the bed sheets, t-shirts, caps, toys, studying materials, cartoons, songs, etc. in English words. There's a need for them to see you as their idol «Spating out» the language you're imposing (air quotes) on them. This helps to fight the psychological difficulties they're having, dealing with this misery language (air quote again).
If you've been trying with no much results. I'll advice you to please catch the moment'. You know her or him more than anyone in the world, you need to make that move when she or he is in the mood to assimilate (one secret of teachers is that we have to make them assimilate even when they're not in the mood). That's a topic for another day I suppose. At the end of the day, it will mean that they're speaking English language (as little as it might be), 'kinda' subconsciously, anytime anywhere.
If you have never thought about it before, only simple questions, «How are you?» would do. «What is your name?» is another one. You're just giving confidence to your child and making him or her understand that everyone speaks some English, even me, your mom. As it is, they will even learn some certain things better from you than from us teachers because of the influence you have on their lives. Please repeat those funny words in English and Russian with them. As an example, «Butterfly» is «Летающее масло». She or he will remember forever that very well. By the way, they're proud to say they learned it from you (talking from experience).
I might need to continue later... Thanks for taking out time to read. Later!
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