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    Что представляет из себя партия демократов в США?

    Брайан Бреннер
    Арлингтон, США
    О преподавателе

    В одной из своих предыдущих статей на английском языке Брайан подробно рассказывал о том, как проходят выборы президента в США. В этот раз он решил продолжить тему политики и подробнее остановиться на партии демократов — первом и крупнейшем политическом объединении в Соединённых Штатах Америки.

    It is said that chess is the game of kings. If this is true, what is politics? Is it a game? Is it truly about which plan will serve the people best? Or has it devolved today into an ever more elaborate scheme of sales pitches which promise to solve all your problems with this magic pill of government involvement? In Russia, it may not yet be this way, but in the United States, politics has been nearly perfected into what my group can offer you for your vote and what the opposing party will do to limit or inhibit some valuable personal freedom. For better or worse, politics in the United States is dominated by two political parties: Democrats and Republicans.

    Democrats are the oldest continuous political group in the United States. Their platform is currently founded upon high levels of individual freedom for personal choices in the social sphere. These are highlighted by freedom of choice as it regards abortion, usage of marijuana and the distancing of government from religious enforcement or protection.

    However, Democrats also hold fast to tighter government controls on corporations through regulations of pollution and price. They also are more apt to seek government ownership of the healthcare profession through either a publicly-funded insurance plan or an outright single-payer system, reminiscent of that which is seen throughout Europe. There is also a new wave of young Democrats who seek to control what is said against certain minority groups and even, at times, simply against their own personal beliefs. These views are antithetical to their long-established baseline ideology of freedom from government interference in the private sphere, but they are becoming more intrinsic to the common voting practices.

    Stay tuned for part 2 on Republicans!

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