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    Искусство small talk, или как разговор в лифте может пойти не по плану

    К какому типу людей вас можно отнести: вы из тех, кто не прочь поболтать в лифте или же вы судорожно жмете на кнопку закрытия дверей, чтобы убежать от соседей? В своем новом рассказе преподаватель из США Барбара делится забавной историей, которая произошла с ней в России.

    The Brits call it a “lift,” but we in the States call it an “elevator.” 

    Living mainly in the suburbs my whole life, I am not well acquainted with the etiquette of riding the elevator. We all live in the same apartment building and work in the same office building — but are we expected to say, “Hello”? “Nice weather we’re having”? “Love your boots!”?

    I don’t think "Novosibirskians" are any less cordial than any other city elevator-riders in the States. After asking around, I’ve come to accept the notion that most of us don’t want much — if any — conversation while riding up and down the elevator. I am ready, however, at a quick «privet» or «poka» if need be.

    Considering this, I was much surprised by one special elevator ride that I had experienced the other day. I was boarding my apartment elevator with a woman my age and an older gentleman. We rode in silence until the older gentleman exited the carriage on the 7th floor. Then the woman my age began to speak excitedly in Russian. The words I could distinguish were «muzhchina», «mashina», «klyuch». In an animated way, she vividly acted out something that had, apparently, just occurred. I had the feeling — although I wasn't completely sure — that she was describing an encounter that she had had with the older gentleman who had just gotten off. In her reenactment, she lurched to one side and mimed a struggle with her bags — and she was laughing hard! Well, of course, I began to laugh, as well — but for a different reason — I didn’t know what she was saying, and I was trying to tell her that I didn’t understand. Our laughter escalated, and she felt encouraged to do even more recreating, thinking that I was laughing with her at her story. By the time we reached the 20th floor, I was able to make her understand that I, indeed, "ya ne ponimayu-ed" her story. The double doors opened, we regained our composure, and she was a little embarrassed. All I could muster in the Russian language was "SayShawAhh" and all she could conjure up in the English language was “Good luck!”

    I would have spared her embarrassment had I just pretended to understand. Next time (if such a thing reoccurs), I will do just that.



    Suburb /ˈsʌbɜːb/ — пригород, окраина города
    Notion /ˈnəʊ.ʃən/ — понятие, представление
    Silence /ˈsaɪləns/ — тишина, молчание
    Struggle /ˈstrʌɡl/ — усилие, борьба
    Composure /kəmˈpəʊʒər/ — самообладание 
    Encounter /ɪnˈkaʊn.tər/ — неожиданная встреча
    Reenactment /ˌriːɪˈnaktm(ə)nt/ — инсценировка


    Be acquainted with /əˈkweɪntɪd/ — быть знакомым с кем-то
    Consider /kənˈsɪdər/ — рассматривать, обдумывать, принимать во внимание
    Accept /əkˈsept/ — принимать, признавать, соглашаться
    Board /bɔːd/ — садиться (на самолет, автобус, лифт)
    Distinguish /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ — различать, распознавать
    Occur /əˈkɜːr/ — случаться, происходить, возникнуть
    Lurch /lɜːtʃ/ — накрениться, пошатнуться
    Muster /ˈmʌstər/ — собраться с силами, собрать все свое мужество. В контексте рассказа будет переводиться как «смогла промолвить».
    Escalate /ˈeskəleɪt/ — расти, увеличиваться
    Conjure up /ˈkʌndʒər ʌp/ — придумать
    Spare /speər/ — уберечь, спасти
    Reoccur /ˌriːəˈkɜː/ — повториться, возникнуть вновь


    Cordial /ˈkɔː.di.əl/ — радушный
    Vividly /ˈvɪvɪdlɪ/ — живо, яркo

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