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    Когда начинается «winter break», и какие цвета называют «Christmas colors»?

    Наталья Мамонова
    Новосибирск, Россия
    О преподавателе

    Как назвать период зимних каникул на английском языке: «Christmas holidays» или «winter break»? Какой фразовый глагол использовать, чтобы рассказать о том, что ваша новогодняя ёлка уже наряжена? Кто придумал образ Санта-Клауса и закрепил за Новым годом и Рождеством три традиционных цвета? Об этом и многом другом вы узнаете в завершающей предновогодней статье Натальи. С наступающим Новым годом и Рождеством вас!

    Things around us are getting brighter, you can spot lots of lights and decorated trees in the streets, you can hear Christmas songs in the supermarkets, so let’s try to get into the Christmas spirit and see what else brings out this feeling in us!

    First, to enjoy Christmas to its fullest we need some free time. That’s why there is a Christmas break. In most Christian countries, there are holidays in December and January, known usually as the “Christmas holidays”, “winter break” or “winter recess”. The first day is Friday after the third Wednesday of December. They include Christmas and New Year’s Day and usually last for 2 or 3 weeks.

    Have all of you put up the Christmas tree yet? This year in many countries they started decorating them in the mid-November, for instance, in Singapore they started on the 16th of November! But obviously it’s never too late for that!

    Then, in many countries people dream of a white Christmas — simply a Christmas when it snows. In Russia we are lucky to have it almost every year. And where can we buy some beautiful Christmas decorations and gifts? At the Christmas bazaar of course!

    What about the Christmas food? Of course, there is a Christmas cake with lots of dried fruit and nuts that is usually eaten in Britain and some other countries. As for the Christmas cookies — I’m sure you can imagine their smell right now — the most popular is the gingerbread and they have a long history, we can trace them back to Medieval Europe. Also, in several countries they pop crackers — a decorated paper tube that makes a sharp noise (“crack!”) and releases a small toy when two people pull it apart. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

    Oh, and by the way, as you definitely know, traditional Christmas colors are red, green and white. Have you ever wondered why? We might suggest they are the colors of white snow, green fir trees and some berries. Actually, different colors were used until 1931 when Coca Cola hired an artist to create a Santa Claus. This particular Santa was plump, he wore red clothes, and the colors matched the Coke logo, and Coca Cola continued working with him for decades. So we may say we owe this tradition at least partially to the Coca Cola company.

    Anyway, Christmas and New Year are just around the corner! And it actually doesn’t really matter how you’re going to celebrate them — by going to a fancy party or by staying at home sipping hot chocolate in festive pyjamas and watching holiday movies. What matters, is that in the middle of a cold and dark winter we just need them to make us a little happier and merrier! So we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and wait for you at our classes because they can make you feel a little happier as well!

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