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английского языка
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    My motherland: всё, что вы хотели знать про особенности и культуру Алжира

    На скольких языках и диалектах говорят жители Алжира? Правда ли, что алжирцы очень гостеприимный народ? И как в Алжире соседствуют три разных климата, каждый из которых имеет свое определенное название? В своей первой статье преподаватель Аюб расскажет про несколько фактов, стереотипов и удивительных особенностей своей родной страны.

    I come from a country called Algeria and I was born and grew up in a city called Oran. My country is the biggest country in Africa and it occupies the northern part of the continent covering 2,381,741 square kilometres. My city Oran is on the north-western side of Algeria and it is a Mediterranean city, humid and seasonal. The summer is very hot with a maximum temperature of 42 degrees, the Autumn is cool with a maximum temperature of 22 degrees, windy and sometimes rainy. Winter however is very cold and it can reach the temperature of -3, with humidity, that feels colder than the real-feel, and it is mostly rainy. Spring on the other side is warm and very wonderful, greeny and refreshing, mostly sunny but sometimes it rains with thunderstorms when May approaches.

    One of the stereotypes about Algeria is that it is hot, which is inaccurate. Algeria has three different climates separated on three different regions. The Mediterranean climate, the Tel climate, and the Sahara climate, and yes, it snows a lot during winter in the interior part of Algeria, sometimes, two metres deep. 

    The Algerian Sahara recorded the hottest spot on our planet when it reached 55 degrees during a summer week, people there usually work at night and stay home during the day. The Sahara desert is an extreme place to live in, and yet people reside there. Using a GPS there is useless, so most tourists go on tours with some locals who are experienced and know the place more than the satellites above us.

    Algerian people are very warm, hospitable and kind to foreigners, we just love to take care of people who are in need and to show our culture and traditions, we grew up that way. For some people, they might find the fact that we are very sociable disturbing, but Algerians really say Hello to everyone in the streets, it’s a sign of respect and wishing peace for each other.

    In Algeria, we speak three different languages; Arabic, French, and Berber. The Arabs colonized North Africa a long time ago, but the native habitants are the Amazighs who speak Berber language. We have 48 different dialects and accents across the country, each city has its own characteristics and dialect, sometimes we don’t even understand each other fully when we speak to each other. 

    What is more interesting about Algeria is that we are rich of ethnic diversities, dark skinned and blondes, whites and blacks, and all of these differences actually unite us as one strong body, it’s a country of multiculturalism. 

    Our main religion is Islam, but people aren’t extremely conservative or fanatics about this, there are few villages that are a bit conservative or uneducated. This is the case of any country however.

    Algerian dishes vary from a city to a city, Oran for example is famous for its seafood and Couscous, other cities with meat and vegetables and fruits or dry food, so it would be an amazing experience for you if you were foodie. 

    There are many aspects that I could write about, but let’s leave this for further research if you are interested in this hidden country.

    We are passengers of this spaceship, and in this spaceship there is life, never be bounded, never live in that comfort zone, this world is yours to discover, and Earth is an amazing place to venture into. If we couldn't experience the place physically, we could at least know about it, and I hope you know a bit about Algeria, my beloved country; a small part of this spaceship.


    VERBS — Глаголы:

    Occupy /ˈɒk.jə.paɪ/ — занимать (территорию)
    Separate /ˈsepərət/ — разделять
    Colonize /ˈkɒlənaɪz/ — колонизировать

    NOUNS — Существительные:

    Region /ˈriːdʒən/ — регион, область, район
    Interior /ɪnˈtɪəriər/ — внутренняя часть
    Habitant /ˈhæb.ɪ.tənt/ — житель, обитатель
    Dialect /ˈdaɪ.ə.lekt/ — диалект
    Diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ — разнообразие, многообразие
    Characteristic /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ — черта, особенность

    PREPOSITION — Предлог:

    Across /əˈkrɒs/ — от края до края, поперёк

    ADJECTIVES — Прилагательные:

    Mediterranean /ˌmedɪtərˈeɪniən/ — Средиземноморский
    Seasonal /ˈsiːzənəl/ — сезонный
    Real-feel /rɪəl fiːl/ — ощутимый
    Hospitable /hɒsˈpɪtəbl/ —гостеприимный 
    Native /ˈneɪtɪv/ — местный, уроженец
    Ethnic /ˈeθnɪk/ — этнический
    Bounded /baʊndɪd/ — связанный
    Beloved /bɪˈlʌvɪd/ — любимый

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