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    О значении фразы «What’s the craic?»

    Сэмьюэль Поттс
    Белфаст, Северная Ирландия
    О преподавателе

    Если вы уже слушали наш развлекательный подкаст «What’s the craic?» на английском языке, то наверняка задумывались о том, как же переводится его название. В этой статье Сэм расскажет, почему «Good craic» так же важен для ирландцев, как и «Hygge» для датчан.

    What on earth does «What’s the craic» mean? I love it and often use it, but where did it come from and who uses it?

    What does it mean?
    It is used in different ways and means a few different things.
    What’s the craic? = What’s new?
    It was good craic = It was good fun
    He’s/She’s some craic = He’s entertaining (sometimes with a sarcastic, slightly negative meaning)

    Where did it come from?
    The word «craic» is full of meaning, and was taken from the English and Scots word «crack» and spelt in an Irish way. Nowadays it is re-borrowed for English language sentences. It is an uncountable noun meaning: news, gossip, fun, entertainment, and enjoyable conversation.

    Who uses it?
    To have «good craic» is very important to Irish and Northern Irish people. It’s a very cultural word that is used throughout Ireland; in the North and the South. It’s extremely popular and can be heard in regular, everyday conversations, but it’s not so well-known or popular in other English-speaking countries. Take care because others may mistake it for another slang word «crack» — meaning the drug crack cocaine!

    Feel free to use this word with all Irish people, in the right context of course, they will be impressed!

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