One of the most invigorating things about learning a second language is the opportunity to be creative in an entirely new sphere, with a different audience, using new words, sounds, and language structures.
Creating your own rhymes or short poems in English can be another form of creativity that you can share with others, or simply enjoy for yourself.
There are plenty of words in English, that when changed slightly make another word, these can be used to create rhymes or poems. «The free dictionary» online gives you the option of searching for words that begin or end with whatever letters you want.
An example rhyme: The fat cat sat on a mat, eating a tasty rat. A bat in a hat at the corner saw the cat eat the rat and flew to the mat.
Another example: A horse on a racecourse found the source of its force.
Who said that learning had to be tedious and uninspired? Show them how creative you can be.
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