Going back to my days, or past life if you will, when I worked as an understudy in a civil engineering office; I was periodically required to set targets for professional development. This was part of my C.P.D. (continuous professional development). But Sam, you may say, how does that apply to me, and to my language learning?
The recommended way to set targets had been to use S.M.A.R.T. goals; specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.
It is important to stay motivated when learning a new language. One key thing is to set goals, but make them all:
Specific, so that you know exactly what you’re trying to do.
Measurable, so that you can see your progress.
Achievable, or in other words realistic; not too hard for you to achieve.
Relevant; suitable for the free time you have, and your level.
Timely; you should have a time-limit for your goals.
Using this type of goal-setting, instead of saying, «I want to learn more new words and speak better». I could say, «I will try to learn twenty-five new words in their context this month and practice using them with a friend».
What SMART goal can you set for yourself today?
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