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английского языка
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    Устоявшиеся выражения в английском языке

    Райно Рэйчет
    Кейп Таун, Южная Африка
    О преподавателе

    Урок изучения английских выражений и пословиц от Рейно. Сегодня он объяснит некоторые из тех, с которыми он столкнулся на своих недавних занятиях со студентами.

    Well, I have had some interesting questions about commonly used expressions and sayings used in English. It is amazing how we use these without thinking in our own languages until someone «puts a spanner in the works»! (I will leave this one for you to up)

    I decided to talk about some expressions used around the table. I am joking, but they do have the word table in them.

    «The deal is off the table», she said to him. Something went wrong between these two people, a previous arrangement will no longer be honoured and this is what we mean when using this expression.

    «May I table this discussion, please?» — this expression is used when we want to stop a discussion on a topic, sometimes to resume at a later date but it could also be that we want to postpone it indefinitely! However, in British English it means exactly the opposite! It means we want to raise a new topic to discuss. Oh my, this language can be confusing...

    And then, the one more people are familiar with. Often used when we have some unsavory characters in a movie. Money could be exchanged in a «not so legal way» and then we often say: the deal was made under the table, or he got paid under the table.

    I love the fact that I am learning more about my language in the process of working with my students, «it keeps me in my toes»!

    Happy reading and speaking, till next time!

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    Райно Рэйчет

    Программы по изучению английского языка

    Английский для взрослых
    Курсы английского языка для студентов и взрослых
    Английский для детей
    Программы изучения английского языка для детей