Центр изучения
английского языка
  • Программы для взрослых
  • Программы для детей
  • Учителя
  • О школе
  • Контакты
  • Видео
  • Блог
  • Подкаст
  • Грамматика
  • Программы
  • Учителя
  • О школе
  • Контакты
  • Видео
  • Блог
  • Подкаст
  • Грамматика
  • Программы
  • Учителя
  • О школе
  • Контакты
  • Видео
  • Блог
  • Подкаст
  • Грамматика
  • Все публикации

    Вдохновляющая история успеха в изучении английского

    Кен Аманте
    Манила, Филиппины
    О преподавателе

    До сих пор не верите в то, что сможете добраться до самой высокой ступени знаний английского? Сегодня Кен поделится вдохновляющей историей, которая обязательно поможет вам поверить в себя и зарядиться мотивацией на изучение английского языка.

    «A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.» —Colin Powell

    Learning English is just like any other skill. It takes time and determination to improve it. Let me share with you a story of my student who barely knew English when he first started. His name is Shamil. He joined my class in 2014 when I was still in Kazakhstan.

    On his first day, I could tell that Shamil was struggling. He could barely say a word in English let alone understand. He spoke to me at the end of the class with the help of a classmate relating how eager he was to learn the language. Three times a week, he attended the class, not skipping a lesson or missing any assignment. Despite having limited vocabulary, he tried his best to speak. He was never shy. He was more than happy to be corrected for his mistakes. By all means, he was an ideal student. He had a goal in mind that is to acquire the language, and invested time and effort to achieve it. Boy did it pay off! In less than a year, he was able to reach intermediate level and a very strong one at that! From someone who can barely speak to somebody who can talk more fluently, that is a huge milestone!

    If someone like him can do it, so can you! As they say, «if there’s a will, there’s a way.» It all depends on you. If you have the passion and commitment in pursuing whatever you want, you will achieve it! I hope that he serves as an inspiration to you to continue learning English and never give up despite the obstacles.

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    Программы по изучению английского языка

    Английский для взрослых
    Курсы английского языка для студентов и взрослых
    Английский для детей
    Программы изучения английского языка для детей