Центр изучения
английского языка
Центр изучения
английского языка
  • Программы для взрослых
  • Программы для детей
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  • Грамматика
  • Центр изучения
    английского языка

    Английский для
    младших классов

    Детали обучения

    Носители языка
    Преподаватели из
    США, Англии, Канады
    Обучение в мини
    группе 4-6 человек
    Дети 6-10 лет
    1-4 классы
    ​2 раза в неделю
    по 60 минут

    Что ждёт на занятиях?

    Курс «Primary English» — это академическая программа для школьников младших классов, ориентированная на получение уверенных знаний английского языка.

    Максимальный упор обучения делается на развитие навыков чтения, изучение грамматики, восприятие и воспроизведение иностранной речи.

    Записаться на тестирование

    Задачи курса «Primary English»


    Прохождение программы ​«Primary English»​ даёт первоначальную языковую базу как для обучения в общеобразовательной школе, так и для получения дальнейшего языкового образования. Большое внимание на программе уделено чтению.

    После прохождения курса, занятия по английскому в общеобразовательной школе проходят легче, ребёнку требуется меньше времени на подготовку к урокам и исчезает необходимость родительского контроля при выполнении домашних заданий.


    Записаться на тестирование

    Как проходит обучение?



    Главные герои учебных пособий — веселые персонажи, с которыми постоянно происходит что-то забавное. Дети обсуждают их приключения, разучивают небольшие диалоги и песни, составляют собственные словари, рисуют, пишут и фантазируют!

    Процесс обучения

    С самых первых уроков ребёнок приобретает уверенность в использовании английского языка. На занятиях дети развивают фонематический слух, активно разговаривают, ставят правильное произношение, читают книжки и учатся писать.

    Деятельность на уроке

    Развивающие и подвижные игры, парная и групповая активность, просмотр и инсценировки любимых сцен из мультфильмов студии Disney, постоянная смена деятельности во время урока.

    Дополнительные материалы

    Картинки-дорисовки, раскраски, песенки,
    флэшкарты, наклейки, постеры, игрушки.

    Наши преподаватели

    Inga Arakelyan
    Inga Arakelyan
    Gyumri, Armenia

    Hi, everyone! I love teaching English because I get excited when I see the results of my students and their happy faces! Communication is the most important tool to understand people. When you can do it in a foreign language, it’s a double pleasure!

    John Hare
    John Hare
    Carshalton, UK

    Greetings from England! I have come to Russia to continue to learn Russian language and find out more about the country I have always been fascinated by. In exchange I would like to help people here to learn my mother tongue and to share my culture with students.

    Natalya Mamonova
    Natalya Mamonova
    Novosibirsk, Russia

    Hey everybody! I’ve been teaching English for more than 10 years and I’ve always enjoyed it because it lets you help people to grow. It’s amazing when a student starts not only speaking English but also thinking in English!

    Ugur Arac
    Ugur Arac
    Istanbul, Turkey

    Hello! I’ve been teaching English for 5 years overseas. One of my major ambitions in teaching is sharing the same excitement with the learners and achieving the goals we set together. Let’s explore the vast possibilities of the language universe and create our own habitat in English production!

    Gabriel Dominguez
    Gabriel Dominguez
    Knoxville, USA

    Howdy! I love teaching because it gives me an opportunity to have a positive impact on people’s lives and through those people an impact on the world. As Author Jonathan Culver once said, “The English language is a work in progress. Have fun with it”!

    Alyona Korsakova
    Alyona Korsakova
    Novosibirsk, Russia

    Hello everybody! After almost 10 years of teaching and God knows how many years of learning English it still amazes me! And that's what I love about learning languages most — that you always learn something new and grow.

    Ayoub Harache
    Ayoub Harache
    Oran, Algeria

    Cheers! I am from the warm Algerian city Oran. I have been teaching English for six years and I am super excited to help my learners achieve their goals by learning this amazing language!

    Nina Harchenko
    Nina Harchenko
    Novokuznetsk, Russia

    Hello! I consider teaching as modern magic which helps people all over the world share their ideas and interests. The way is hard sometimes but with an experienced guide you can make it and my target as a guide is to show you all the beauty of English.

    Mousa Abbas
    Mousa Abbas
    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    Hello, everyone! I've been teaching English for 6 years and I love it for the opportunities it offers me to learn about people and their experiences in particular areas. I'm always delighted to see my learners achieve high outcomes in English.

    Natalia Koroleva
    Natalia Koroleva
    Oskemen, Kazakhstan

    I've been teaching English for 20 years. I love doing my job. I'm happy when my students are making progress and getting results. The English language is a wonderful world. It gives the opportunity to socialise with people from different countries and make friends.

    Ghassan Ali
    Ghassan Ali
    Giza, Egypt

    Greetings from Egypt! My name is Ghassan and I was born speaking two languages in a country that only speaks one. I believe that learning English should be fun, and teachers are here to make it easier, not harder.

    Maria Usachenko
    Maria Usachenko
    Novokuznetsk, Russia

    Hello. I've been teaching English for 15 years and the more I teach, the more I enjoy doing it. I like sharing my enthusiasm for English with my students, I love helping them in language acquisition and enjoy seeing their progress.

    Eugene Ermakov
    Eugene Ermakov
    Novosibirsk, Russia

    Hi there! I am a CELTA qualified teacher. To me each student is a whole universe so teaching is akin to travelling and exploring new worlds. Get ready for a journey of a lifetime and I will help you discover the new you!

    Sogand Mahbubzadeh
    Sogand Mahbubzadeh
    Tehran, Iran

    Hello, my name is Sogand. I was born in Iran. English is my second language, and I have always been passionate about learning and teaching it. See you in class!

    Ken Amante
    Ken Amante
    Manila, Philippines

    Hello, everyone! I'm an English teacher from the Philippines. I've been teaching for more than 10 years now. I'm proud to say that I've been able to help many students achieve their goals in English. I'd be happy to share my expertise with you.

    Mariya Davydova
    Mariya Davydova
    Krasnoyarsk, Russia

    Hello! More than 30 years of learning English and 20 years of teaching it still gives me knowledge that I would love to share with you. I believe English language opens a whole new world and provides opportunities one can dream of.

    Tatiana Grigorashchenko
    Tatiana Grigorashchenko
    Belgorod, Russia

    Hello, everyone! Hope you are doing great! I am here to help you to master English which I’ve been teaching for 10 years. Personally, I think that education is not just about getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life. It’s never-ending process. English is one of the tools that can help with it.

    Olga Rozhkova
    Olga Rozhkova
    Novosibirsk, Russia

    Hi, how are ya? Good to see you! What I love most about teaching is seeing my students getting more confident in English and broadening their horizons. Learning is a never-ending process, but together we can make it awesome, just like you!

    Barbara Fortier
    Barbara Fortier
    Atlanta, USA

    Hello! I’m from the US and finally fulfilling my dream to teach English in Russia! I chose Novosibirsk because of its location and the famous ballet theatre that is cradled in a big Siberian city. What could be better? Eager to meet our Russian English language learners!

    Benjamin Walker
    Benjamin Walker
    London, UK

    Hello there! I chose to live here in Siberia to build upon my knowledge of Russian and to explore this fascinating and culturally rich part of the world. Learning languages is a hobby of mine and I will help you learn English in a way that is relevant and enjoyable to you personally as an individual.

    Samuel Potts
    Samuel Potts
    Belfast, Northern Ireland

    Hello from Northern Ireland! I'm here pursuing my interest in the Russian language and culture. I enjoy sharing my native language and experiences with the passionate English learners. I love helping my students to achieve their goals.

    Brian Brenner
    Brian Brenner
    Arlington, USA

    Hi! I moved to Novosibirsk from Texas. I love the Russian culture and language is something I’m doing my best to understand. Communication is important and that is why I enjoy teaching English and sharing my culture with students.

    Mike Kang
    Mike Kang
    Sydney, Australia

    Greetings from Sydney, Australia! I arrived in Siberia to enjoy its rich history and boundless nature. Look forward to meeting you in class to share our stories, opinions and help you improve your fluency in the one & only global language: English.

    Stephen Beet
    Stephen Beet
    Mansfield, UK

    Hello, I am from near Manchester in the North of England and have been a teacher for many years. I have taught in Russia for fifteen years and I am still very enthusiastic and excited about teaching my pupils and helping them become fluent speakers of English.

    Gary Lukas
    Gary Lukas
    Cleveland, USA

    Hello! I am a longtime resident of Novosibirsk. I have had a lot of opportunities to teach my native language in beautiful perfect American English, here in the capital of Siberia! Language is play, it is fun whatever a student's goals may be, I am here to help.

    Ryno Reichert
    Ryno Reichert
    Cape Town, South Africa

    Hello from Cape Town, South Africa! I am visiting Russia for a while and teaching has always been a passion of mine. Now I can experience your beautiful country and teach English to eager students. I look forward to seeing you at one of my lessons!

    Michael Adio
    Michael Adio
    Jos, Nigeria

    Hello! I'm an ESL teacher. I come to Novosibirsk from Nigeria, where English is the official language. I have been teaching English in Russia for 8 years and I consider teaching English to Russian students to be a great privilege.

    Lucas Chagas
    Lucas Chagas
    Salvador, Brazil

    Hello, everyone! I'm from Brazil. I got my BA in English as a Foreign Language last year, but I've been teaching the language for 5 years. I came all the way here hoping I can actually learn Russian and, of course, to share my knowledge with you guys.

    David Huffman
    David Huffman
    Florida, USA

    Hi, guys! I moved to Novosibirsk from Florida. I’m very excited to be here because I want to learn Russian as much as you want to learn English. I have wanted to live in Russia for many years now, so being here is a dream come true.

    Yuliya Speroff
    Yuliya Speroff
    Seattle, USA

    Greetings! I'm a professional language teacher with a CELTA and a DELTA. I love teaching and seeing the progress my students make! I've lived in several countries including New Zealand and Turkey where I spent 3 years teaching English, but most recently I've been living in the USA.

    Katerina Rudykh
    Katerina Rudykh
    Novosibirsk, Russia

    Hi! I'm a person for whom teaching is life rather than work and I've been doing it for six years now, while also constantly trying to improve. It is both my way to explore and to show you the world. So join me on this insightful and exciting adventure!

    Программы курса

    Primary 1
    6-7 лет, 1 класс
    Primary 2
    7-8 лет, 2 класс
    Primary 3
    8-9 лет, 3 класс
    Primary 4
    9-10 лет, 4 класс

    Отзывы студентов

    Василина ДолговаВасилина

    Ходим в школу c 5 лет. Василине нравятся занятия как с русским преподавателем Ниной, так и с носителем — Брайаном. По итогам курса ребенок научился называть виды животных, фруктов и овощей, а также может рассказать на английском как ее зовут и что она любит делать.

    Владислав УсикВладислав

    Сын ходит год на занятия с 6-7 лет. Очень нравится. Занятия проходят в игровой форме. Дети с удовольствием контактируют с преподавателем. И самое главное, что раз в неделю проходит занятие с носителем языка. Детей поощряют наклеечками за успешно прошедшее занятие.

    Варвара ПодставкаВарвара

    Водим ребёнка в BigAppleSchool с 4 лет, нам очень нравится, ребёнку тоже! Хорошая атмосфера, педагоги, отношение к детям, да и слов много узнала, счёт, алфавит. Пропуски по болезни компенсируются индивидуальным занятием, не везде так. Следующий год мы с вами!

    Юлия СоловьяноваЮлия

    BigAppleSchool — очень хорошее учебное заведение: современные образовательные программы, дружелюбный и улыбчивый персонал, квалифицированные педагоги. Инга и Майк — преподаватели у моей дочери. Это прекрасные учителя в работе с детьми! Дочка в школу бежит с удовольствием!

    показать ещё

    Информация о курсе

    6-10 лет (1-4 класс)
    Группа 4-6 человек
    2 раза в неделю по 60 мин.
    96 академ. часов (9 месяцев)
    Носители языка
    Каждое 5-ое занятие
    750 руб./занятие
    Цена за месяц: 5 100 р. 6 000 р.
    скидка 15%
    Скидка действительна при единовременной оплате курса.