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    Английские выражения со словами «Mother» и «Mum»

    Райно Рэйчет
    Кейп Таун, Южная Африка
    О преподавателе

    Английские «Mother» и «Mum» — это те слова, с которыми знаком чуть ли не каждый человек, начинающий изучать язык. Однако слова эти не так просты. В этой статье Рейно расширит границы их использования в разговорной английской речи и расскажет о полезных словосочетаниях с ними.

    Wow! This week had me thinking I should pack my bags and head back to my motherland- it is the first time since I arrived where I thought that I am a little bit crazy! The cold really got to me this time. But, it is looking warmer next week and my spirits are lifting again.

    I was asked by someone about an expression they heard on the television — he has a face only a mother could love — and I thought I would see what else I could discover that is of interest. Well, the expression I just used is not a compliment, it actually means that the person is very unattractive. So unattractive that only a mother can love.

    Now, I have been told a secret or two in my life, and I always promise to keep mum, or that «Mum’s the word!» Both of these expressions mean that you won’t tell anyone the secret. Actually, mum here has nothing to do with mother but rather an old English word which means silent... Hm, makes sense to me now!

    Gentlemen, it is important that you get to know your future mother-in-law because if she is a tiger mother, you may want to be careful... This is a mom who runs a very strict and demanding household. Often it is like mother, like daughter and you may be looking at a similar situation in your house.

    My grandmother was a real mother hen, she always fussed over everyone. This can be a good thing, but we all know that too much of a good thing can also become a problem.

    Ladies, I have a special one for you! Be on the lookout for the guy who is a mama’s boy or who is tied to his mother’s apron strings — he will be quite challenging. The mommy’s boy is very easily influenced by his mother and the other one, well, he will never be far from his mother and is very dependent on her!

    The mother of all (insert your own word here). E. g., the mother of all storms hit the country last night and there is devastation everywhere. I think you can guess this one, the biggest (in my example) storm hit the country last night. Use this expression when you want to talk about the largest, or most extreme of something.

    I think, maybe my next article should talk a little about food or wine or something else fun... Let’s see what I can come up with! Have a great week! Speak, speak and speak some more!

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