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    Future tenses: способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке

    Для того чтобы описать будущие события и действия в английском языке, необходимо использовать соответствующие конструкции. Существует несколько способов образования будущего времени в английском языке, которые мы подробно рассмотрим в этой статье.

    To be able to converse about your future or someone’s else future, there are various ways to do so, and in this article, you are going to discover some important grammar points concerning this topic; the future tenses. First, it will be restricted only to the auxiliary verb “will”. Secondly, we will delve into the four tenses concerning the future time. Let’s take a look.

    The Future Simple

    Affirmative sentences:

      We will visit the park.
      Мы пойдем в парк.

    Negative sentences:

      We will not/won’t visit the park.
      Мы не пойдем в парк.


      Will they visit the park?
      Они пойдут в парк?

    We use the future simple to talk about actions or situations and states that will start and end in the future. However, if we delve into details, there is much more to see:

    Predictions: It’ll rain tomorrow. / Our team will win the match.

    Unplanned and instant actions: Excuse me, I’ll open the window. / Wait, I will open the door for them.

    Plans: They’ll travel to Vietnam next week. / He will go to his workplace and then he will go to have dinner with his friends.

     As seen in the examples above, I used contractions. (I will  I’ll / I will not  I won’t). We use contractions to perform fast speech and sound more fluent.

    The Future Continuous

    Affirmative sentences:

      She will be doing her homework this evening.
      Сегодня вечером она будет делать свою домашнюю работу.

    Negative sentences:

      We won’t be calling clients next week, we have a technical problem.
      Мы не будем звонить клиентам на следующей неделе, у нас техническая проблема.


      Will he be working on his projects soon?
      Скоро ли он будет работать над своими проектами?

    We use the future continuous or progressive to speak about temporary actions in progress that will take place at a specific time in the future.

    The verbs in the examples above are all action verbs, so keep in mind that the continuous form in any tense doesn’t work with stative verbs such as argue, love, hate, like, dislike…etc. 

    The Future Perfect

    Affirmative sentences:

      I will have done my tasks by the end of the month.
      Я выполню свои задачи к концу месяца.

    Negative sentences:

      I won’t have done my tasks by the end of the month.
      Я не справлюсь со своими задачами к концу месяца.


      Will he have done his tasks by the end of the month?
      Выполнит ли он свои задачи к концу месяца?

    We use the future perfect to talk about actions that will be done before a specific point of time in the future. In other words, an action that will start in the future and completed by the deadline of another point of time in the future. 

    It is better to use the future perfect with the expression “by the end…etc.” to show the timeframe of the action. For example,

      I will have traveled around South America by the end of 2023.
      К концу 2023 года я объеду Южную Америку.

    The Future Perfect Continuous

    Affirmative sentences:

      She will have been waiting for her dog until it comes back.
      Она будет ждать свою собаку до тех пор, пока она не вернется.

    Negative sentences:

      She will not have been waiting for her dog until it comes back.
      Она не будет ждать свою собаку до тех пор, пока она не вернется.


      Will she have been waiting for her dog until it comes back?
      Будет ли она ждать свою собаку до тех пор, пока она не вернется?

    We use the future perfect continuous to inform that an action will progressively take place in the future until the beginning of a second action, or interrupting action.

    In simple words, something will happen until something else happens.

    We don’t use the stative verbs with the future perfect continuous. You may as well assist yourself by using the conjunction / preposition of time “until” to show the beginning of the interrupting action.

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