Jeremy has an awesome big old yellow American truck.
У Джереми есть потрясающий, большой, старый, желтый американский грузовик.
It might sound strange to say that Jeremy has a yellow awesome old American big truck. Why? Most native English speakers do not know that there is a particular order that is usually (although not always) followed when using two or more adjectives together to describe a noun.
Adjectives can be classed into two categories: opinion adjectives and fact adjectives.
Opinion adjectives describe your thoughts about a noun, for instance nice, good, ugly, beautiful.
Fact adjectives give factual information about a noun, which could be anything including age, size, colour, texture etc…
Opinion adjectives usually come before fact adjectives, for instance:
A beautiful little diamond — Красивый маленький бриллиант
A scary old house — Страшный старый дом
A delicious yellow fruit — Восхитительный желтый фрукт
The general order of fact adjectives is as follows (although, of course, there are exceptions):
A short fat old man (size + shape + age) — Невысокий толстый старик
A big long red pen (size + shape + colour) — Большая длинная красная ручка
A small silver metal spoon (size + colour + material) — Маленькая серебряная металлическая ложечка
A mature Italian wine (age + place of origin) — Зрелое итальянское вино
When describing more than one colour, we use and. If there are three or more colours being described, we separate the colours with commas (see the example below).
Brazil has a green, blue, white and yellow flag.
У Бразилии флаг с зеленым, синим, белым и желтым цветами.
Конечно же, чтобы слова сами выстраивались в нужном порядке, необходимо постоянная практика, которую вы сможете получить, записавшись на занятия к Бенджамину!
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