Have you ever said, «I feel myself tired,» or «I’m preparing to my exam?» Well, surprise, surprise, surprise… They aren’t really correct! Mistakes like these are commonplace especially among Russian speakers because they literally translate the sentence word for word. In the first example, it should simply go as «I feel tired» and in the second one, «I’m preparing FOR my exam.»
Although your first language can be helpful in learning a second or foreign language, you should also be aware that not all properties in your native language can be transferred to the language that you are learning at the moment.
Other mistakes that you need to avoid are:
Write/pass an exam.
Do/take an exam.
I very like it.
I really like it.
If you’ll do your best, you’ll succeed.
If you do your best, you’ll succeed.
I called to Jane yesterday.
I called Jane yesterday.
I’m agree with you.
I agree with you.
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