You would agree with me that this summer is going well. Warm enough, bright and eventful (football in mind). Shouldn't surprise you that I'm a passionate fan.
Well, back to the matter. I was able to «stick» the verb «treat» (used for a doctor's service) on the minds of some young learners not long ago. It was quite easy, since they all know the word «treat» from Halloween (Trick or treat). Yes, again, proper association of verbs could make it everlasting on your list of vocabulary (which should increase daily if possible). Mind you, «treat» also has other meanings. Please check your dictionary for future clarification. The closiest and mostly used in English is «treat» (as to give someone a treat). «One sense of treat has to do with pleasures and special occasions. You might treat your mother to a pedicure, or give your dog a tasty treat».
You can simply say: «I was given a good treat yesterday because it was my birthday».
That is that for now. Hope you enjoy the «treat». Will drop by later. Good luck in your studies and do continue to have a good day.
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