Republicans have long been the party of economics and commerce. This bodes well for them when it comes to funding election campaigns but can also breed animosity as many feel it is merely big businesses way of exerting ever more control on the government through legitimate electoral campaigns. Since the 1980’s, however, Republicans have been taking stances which more directly address common viewpoints within the Democrat party.
Republicans are now the party of pro-life in terms of abortion, instead of the Democrats pro-choice philosophy. They are also firm believers in religious protections, but this belief has eroded lately due to scandals and disagreements concerning tax breaks for mega-churches. Republicans are also more about freedom for gun-owners, where Democrats believe controls need to be implemented to prevent further acts of gun-violence.
As you can see, both sides value some aspects of personal freedom, and in some regards they desire government intervention. Which is correct? Which is better for the citizenry? To quote James Madison, «if you want liberty you’ll have factions (political parties), just like the relationship off air to fire». If they are such a necessary evil, is there a better way to represent the people? You decide!
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