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    Различия между словами «Clock» и «Watch»

    Сэмьюэль Поттс
    Белфаст, Северная Ирландия
    О преподавателе

    Ранее Сэм в своих статьях уже рассказывал о различиях между глаголами «Do» и «Make». Сегодня он предлагает разобраться с ещё двумя похожими по значению английскими словами — «Clock» и «Watch».

    «I’m just using the clock on my mobile phone as a watch, because my watch is broken». What do I mean by this sentence? What is the difference between «a watch» and «a clock»?

    What is a clock? A clock is a timepiece that usually stays in one place. It is hung on a wall or it sits in an important place, like on the mantelpiece above the fireplace. Often the time is given using the word o’clock, for example, «it is 11 o’clock now». This o’clock term means of the clock, remember an apostrophe often indicates missing letters.

    What is a watch? A watch is most often worn on a person’s wrist, attached with a strap. This allows a person to see the time wherever they are, and it’s for their personal use. There are also fob watches, sometimes worn by doctors or nurses. These types of watches aren’t worn on a person’s wrist, but look very similar to a wristwatch.

    Our phones and laptops. The time function on our mobile phones and computers is called «a clock». Although the clock on our mobiles can act just like a watch; we carry it with us and it’s personal, it is referred to as a clock: it is portable, but it’s not worn where it can be seen all the time.

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