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    Reunion по-английски: как британцы проводят встречи выпускников

    Джон Хэа
    Каршолтон, Англия
    О преподавателе

    Как часто вы видитесь со своими университетскими приятелями? Планируете ли что-то особенное на эти встречи? А может у вас и вовсе нет такой традиции? В своей новой статье Джон расскажет про ежегодный “reunion”, который он и его одногруппники проводят вместе в разных городах Великобритании.

    Annually for the last 10 years, the chaps I went to university with 40 years ago have been getting together for a reunion. The first couple of times it was held at my house. However since 2014 we have been visiting a different city in England for each get together

    We had decided on York after our last gathering in Oxford in 2019. However the pandemic meant that it had to be postponed until this year. York was chosen because of its variety of pubs, restaurants and places of interest.

    Some of us arrived late on Thursday and the rest during Friday on the last weekend of June. The first arrivals spent Saturday morning in the National Railway Museum.  Well worth a visit. Then from lunchtime onwards the rest arrived and we rendezvoused in a pub, of course. That evening we went out for dinner to an Italian restaurant.

    After breakfast on Saturday we hired a boat and cruised up and down the river Ouse which flows through the centre of the city. After that we had a walk around the outside of York Minster. This is a massive medieval cathedral in the middle of the city. We decided against going into the Minster, as all of us had already done so on previous visits to York, and it is very expensive. As it looked like it was about to rain we took shelter in a pub, where else! The rest of the afternoon was spent reminiscing and telling amusing stories. At times I was laughing so much I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

    That evening we had dinner in a fish restaurant and then went to  — you guessed it — a pub or three.

    We all went our separate ways on Sunday morning, to different parts of England and to Spain and Portugal. However before we parted we tentatively decided on next year’s venue — Bristol.



    Chap /tʃæp/— дружище, старина
    Reunion /riːˈjuːnjə/ — встреча друзей, вечеринка
    Variety /vəˈraɪətɪ/ — разнообразие
    Cathedral /kəˈθiː.drəl/ — собор
    Shelter /ˈʃel.tər/ — убежище


    Get together /ˈɡettəɡeðə/ — собираться, встречаться
    Decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ — решать, принимать решение
    Postpone /pəʊs(t)ˈpəʊn/ — откладывать, отсрочивать
    Worth a visit /wɜːθ ə ˈvɪzɪt/ — стоит посетить
    Rendezvous /ˈrɒndɪvuː/ — встречаться
    Reminisce /ˌremɪˈnɪs/ — предаваться воспоминаниям


    Onwards /ˈɒnwədz/ — в дальнейшем
    Medieval /ˌmed.ˈiː.vəl/ — средневековый
    Tentatively /ˈtentətɪv/ — предварительно, ориентировочно

    Обсудить больше забавных историй о прошлогодних встречах выпускников и задать интересующие вас вопросы, вы сможете, записавшись к Джону на занятия!

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    Джон Хэа

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