Центр изучения
английского языка
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    Три смешных английских слова, которые вы точно запомните

    Райно Рэйчет
    Кейп Таун, Южная Африка
    О преподавателе

    В этой статье Рейно расскажет, как эффективно учить новую английскую лексику, а также поделится с читателями тремя смешными словами, которые точно запомнятся сразу после прочтения.

    Good day to all of my readers, I hope you are feeling great today! It is awesome that you all want to improve your language skills, let me see if I can add some strange words to your vocabulary today.

    Some of you ask about how to remember new words. Well, there are a couple of things you can do. The first is to keep a vocabulary list, just a little book you can use to write down your new words. It may be a good idea to write down the word, a small definition and a note or two in your own language. Secondly, try to hear native speakers use and pronounce the words. Thirdly, try to use these new words in your own conversations with friends.

    So, I will add a couple of strange words to your vocabulary now, it may be necessary to Google the correct pronunciation, that’s ok!

    Cacophony — I love this word, it sounds bad... and guess what? This is the exact meaning of the word: a mixture of horrible sounds. Imagine a truck driving past you, birds screeching and children screaming all at the same time. That is a cacophony. The Greek origin of the word really means «bad sound».

    Discombobulate — also a favourite of mine even though it is of North American origin. When you sit in that lecture where nothing makes sense and you feel completely lost and confused... you feel discombobulated! It means a state of confusion. It is a funny word and mostly used in a humorous way.

    Frankenfood — hahaha, I am sure my smart readers can understand this word! Yes, it is a combination of two words: Frankenstein and food. This word came into use in the 1990s (unlike the other words which have been around for a long time!) when it became clear how much of the food we ate was genetically modified. People started talking about Frankenfood because, like Frankenstein the monster, these foods were created in a laboratory.

    Enough for one day, but I think I will try to add some more words to your vocabulary next week! Have a wonderful day! Remember to speak, speak and speak some more...

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    Райно Рэйчет

    Программы по изучению английского языка

    Английский для взрослых
    Курсы английского языка для студентов и взрослых
    Английский для детей
    Программы изучения английского языка для детей