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    Пополняем вокабуляр новыми словами с корнем «Color»

    А вы знали, что у слов с корнем «color», есть множество вариантов употребления в разговорной английской речи? В этой статье Барбара расскажет нам о значении слов «colorful», «colored» и «color», а также научит их правильно произносить и использовать в разговоре.

    The root word of «colorful» and «colored» is «color». In the States, these words are spelled without the «u,» unlike other English-speaking countries that spell it like this: «colour».

    We color with color crayons: Don’t steal my pink color crayon. I’m coloring a colorful rainbow!
    Our mood may be colored: The mood of the room was colored by the silence.
    Colors can affect your mood: Live your favorite color!
    People of color: non-white or non-European descent.
    Colorful language: polite way of saying that parts of his speech had to be bleeped!

    «Colorful» — I love how the tip of the tongue interacts with the front teeth when saying the end of the 1st and 3rd syllable of this word! Depending on how much emotion one exudes while producing this word, will depend on where exactly the tip of the tongue hits the front teeth. When I say it in a matter-of-fact way, the tongue darts quickly to the back of the two front teeth on the 1st syllable and then quickly pulls back in order to make the sound of the 2nd syllable. But when I am gushing this word, the tip of my tongue actually curls up in front of my two front teeth — giving them a momentary hug, on the 1st syllable before going on to the 2nd syllable. But no matter the degree of emotion expressed, the tongue rests, ever so contently, at the back of the teeth at the end of the word. Whenever I say «colorful,» I see my favorite colors splashing happily in front of my eyes. Do you?

    18th Century English essayist, Joseph Addison wrote, «Colours speak all languages». Notice the «u» I inserted because he was English?

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