I don’t like to use swear words and prefer to keep my conversation at a level suitable for all ages — just like the best Disney films.
While I don’t condone swearing, sometimes alternative words might be good to express ourselves. Here are some alternative swear words that we could use instead of the more severe words.
Flip. This can be used as a softer alternative for another very strong four-letter word beginning with an «f». «Flip» can be used in any way that the other much stronger version is, including with other prepositions, and as an adjective.
Brother chucker. «Brother chucker» replaces possibly the strongest swearing phrase in the English language, and it does it in a humorous way.
Blooming. I once heard a cartoon Santa Claus use this swear word, so to me it sounds gentle and almost caring. This is an adjective, and might also be used with marvellous. Blooming marvellous!
It’s entirely up to you whether you use these words. They are much politer than the alternatives, but are still best used in an informal situation.
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