Everyone who knows me also knows that I love dogs — all the dogs in the world but especially my dog Jackie, who is a Labrador/Golden Retriever mix. If you also love dogs and want to talk about them in English, here are some words and expressions that can help you.
Breed — порода
While some people prefer purebred (породистый) dogs, I think that mixed-breed dog or mutts (дворняжки) are just wonderful.
Leash and collar — поводок и ошейник
In the USA, your dog must be on a leash. The only exceptions are dog parks and special off-leash areas.
Vet (veterinarian) — ветеринар
Even if your dog is healthy, you should still take it to a vet regularly to get all the vaccinations and a regular check-up.
Dry kibble — сухой корм
Lots of busy dog owners feed their dogs kibble. Others buy canned wet food (консервированный влажный корм)
Dog grooming — уход за внешностью собаки
Some dogs need more grooming than others. I take my dog to a dog groomer to get her nails clipped (подстричь когти). My friend takes her dog to a groomer every few weeks to get his hair professionally cut and dried. Large pet store chains in the USA usually have a dog grooming department. You can also take your dog to be groomed at your vet’s office.
Dog walking and boarding — Выгул и передержка собак
If I know my husband and I will be gone the whole day, we get a dog walker (выгульщик собак) for Jackie. We use an app called WAG to book a walker who will come to our home and take Jackie out for a 20-minute walk. If we ever go out of town, we will find a boarding kennel (гостиница для собак) where Jackie can stay while we are gone.
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