Sometimes I share vocabulary with my students from different versions of the English language. In America and Canada there are some words that are completely different from those in the UK, Ireland, and other English-speaking countries. For example:
diapers (USA) = nappies (UK) — подгузники
car hood (USA) = car bonnet (UK) — капот автомобиля
line (USA) = queue (UK) — очередь
Other times we have the same word, but use it in different ways. For example:
A biscuit in the US is a type of bread, but a crunchy sweet round food in the UK.
Chips are a crispy thinly-sliced snack in the US, but sticks of potato fried and eaten as part of a main meal in the UK.
Football is another example of a word used in a different way in America. Football in the US is something comparable to Rugby in the UK, but with a lot of padded equipment and different rules. It’s a very popular sport there, but in the UK, the other version of football, also known as soccer, is the most popular sport.
It’s likely that if you have been learning English for a while, you will already know all these variants. But did you know that in Ireland football is often called soccer too? This is because they have their own, very popular version of football, it’s Gaelic football, which allows players to handle the ball as well as kick it.
Hope this was useful and Interesting.
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