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    Использование would в грамматической конструкции Future in the Past

    В первой части статьи мы уже разбирали образование некоторых конструкций глагольной формы Future in the Past. В этой части статьи речь пойдет о грамматических структурах со словом would.

    Future past is used to refer to the future at a point in the past. It does not matter if the future event happens, because it is considered to happen in the future.

    As for the general future tense: will, going to and continuous tense, there are three future tenses in the past tense: would, was/were going to, was/were + continuous verb. Past future tense follows the same basic rules as simple future tense. "Would" is used for voluntary or commitment, and "was going to" is used for planning. Furthermore, both forms can be used to predict the future. In this article, we will focus more on the detailed analysis of “would” and how we use it. 

    Plan/Voluntary Action/Prediction and Promise

      I told you she was going to come to the theater. (Plan)
      Я говорил, что она собирается прийти в театр.

      I knew Andrey would wash the car. (Voluntary action)
      Я знал, что Андрей помоет машину.

      Olga said Mike was going to bring his sister with him, but he came alone. (Plan)
      Ольга сказала, что Майк собирался прийти со своей сестрой, но пришел один.

      I had a feeling that the end of year ball was going to be a disaster. (Prediction)
      У меня было предчувствие, что выпускной обернется катастрофой.

      They promised they would send a postcard from Vietnam. (Promise)
      Они обещали, что пришлют открытку из Вьетнама.

    Like all future forms, the past tense cannot be used in clauses beginning with expressions of time. For example: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, unless, etc. Instead of using future in past tense, we must use past tense.

     I already told Matt that when he would arrive, we would go out for concert. 
     I already told Matt that when he arrived, we would go out for dinner.

    Active/Passive Forms

    Passive is when an action is performed on a person or object. In this case, a person or thing plays a passive role. What matters to us is the fact of the plot itself, not the people who made it. To form the passive voice in the future in the past tense, we do everything the same as in the usual future tense except we use would instead of will.

    Affirmative (Positive) Sentences in Future in the Past

    The Future Simple in the Past

      He said that he would only play with me.
      Он сказал, что будет играть только со мной.

    The Future Continuous in the Past

      She said that we would be writing the article together.
      Она сказала, что мы будет писать статью вместе.

    The Future Perfect in the Past

      They said they would have done the project by the end of the year.
      Они сказали, что проект будет сделан к концу года.

    The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

      She said she would have been studying for four years in this college.
      Она сказала, что будет учиться уже четыре года в этом колледже.

    Negative Sentences in Future in the Past

    Negative Future Simple in the Past

      We would not get any presents.
      Мы бы не получили никаких подарков.

    Negative Future Continuous in the Past

      He would not be jumping.
      Он не стал бы прыгать.

    Negative Future Perfect in the Past

      She would not have written that letter.
      Она бы не написала это письмо.

    Negative Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

      They would not have been waiting for three hours by eight o’clock.
      Они бы не ждали в течении трех часов, когда будет уже 8.

     We put the negative not after the auxiliary would. For example:

     She would not have written that letter. 
     She would have not written that letter. 

    Interrogative (Question) Sentences in Future in the Past

    The Future Simple in the Past Question

      He asked would we meet again?
      Он спросил, встретимся ли мы снова?

    The Future Continuous in the Past Question

      I wondered if she would be sleeping all day?
      Я подумал, будет ли она спать весь день?

    The Future Perfect in the Past Question

      Would they have done the job?
      Справились бы они с этой работой?

    The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Question

      Would I have been dancing all night?
      Танцевала бы я всю ночь?

    In questions we put only would at the beginning of the sentence. For instance:

     Would they have done the job?
     Would have they done the job?

     Would I have been dancing all night?
     Would have I been dancing all night?
     Would have been I dancing all night?

    Wh-Questions in Future in the Past

    To ask a future past Wh- question, we use the same formula as for general yes/no questions. Only at the beginning of this formula we add a question word or sentence.

      Why would you say it again?
      Зачем тебе повторять это снова?

      Where would she be staying all week?
      Где она будет жить всю неделю?

      When would they have done the job?
      Когда бы они выполнили эту работу?

    Future in the Past when Telling Stories

    Everything that is in the future from the perspective of our story can be conveyed with the aid of the future in the past when we talk about the past. Fiction, where events are typically described in the past, is where we most frequently employ the future in the past in this manner or when we narrate tales about historical events. Thus, we discuss what might occur or has already occurred in the future from the perspective of the past with the aid of the future in the past. For example:

      The girls decided to go swimming. They would have had a wonderful day out on the lake...
      Девочки решили пойти поплавать. Они бы чудесно провели день на озере…

      She said she wanted to quit her job. She would go to work at another company or stay at home with little Sasha…
      Она сказала, что хочет уволиться с работы. Она могла пойти работать в другую компанию или остаться дома с маленьким Сашей...

    Как вы видите, грамматическая тема «Будущее в прошедшем» достаточно объемная и может показаться слишком сложной. И, если у вас остались вопросы, то можете задать их лично Уру!

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