Many of my students have dreamed or aimed to visit the UK. Northern Ireland is one part of the UK which I feel is often a little neglected, and overlooked. Many even living in the UK don’t have a great understanding of it.
So, what is this place?
The island of Ireland was divided into two distinct political parts in 1921, and so Northern Ireland was formed. Together with England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), it forms the United Kingdom. It’s debatable as to whether it’s a country, province, or region. I tend to think of it as a province.
Who are its people?
As you can imagine many of the people of Northern Ireland identify as Irish, but many others also consider themselves British. There have been some real problems in the past because of strong differences of opinion, but nowadays the area enjoys peace. Many of its people increasingly describe themselves not as Irish, but Northern Irish, showing that they were born in the province.
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