Hello my name is John and I work for BigAppleSchool. However I am not in Novosibirsk. In fact I am recording this in my wife’s wardrobe in our house which is situated in a tiny village near the town of Devizes in the South of England.
Today I am going to conclude the mini series about phrases used in English that are connected with England’s maritime past.
Фраза “It’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” при дословном переводе звучит очень вульгарно, но не спешите делать выводы: на самом деле идиома употребляется для выражения очень холодной погоды и не имеет ничего общего с обезьянами! В русском языке она имеет аналоги «замерзнуть, как собака», «собачий холод» или «зуб на зуб на попадает».
This phrase “It’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” originates from the Royal Navy of the 18th century and means that it is very cold. The wooden warships from that era were armed with cannons which fired solid cast iron cannon balls. Obviously these cannon balls needed to be kept close to the cannons on the gun deck. They were stacked in a square pyramid. The base of this pyramid was a hollow square of brass, called a monkey, as is shown in the picture.
Those of you who have studied physics will know that metals contract or shrink when they are cooled and expand when they are heated. However different metals contract or expand at different rates.
Brass contracts faster than cast iron. So, in very cold weather the brass monkey would contract faster than the cannon balls, and the cannon balls would roll out of the square of brass. Hence it was cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey.
Thank you for listening. I shall be back to talk about a different topic soon.
Royal Navy [ˈrɔɪəl ˈneɪvɪ] — Королевский флот Великобритании |
Cannon [ˈkæn.ən] — пушка |
Cannon ball [ˈkænən bɔːl] — литое чугунное пушечное ядро |
Gun deck [‘ɡʌn ‘dek] — артиллерийская палуба |
Cast iron ['kɑːstˌaɪǝn] — чугунный |
Stack [stæk] — складывать в кучу, нагромождать, связка |
Brass [brɑ:s] — медь |
Contract ['kɔntrækt] — сжимать, суживать |
Shrink [ʃrɪŋk] — сжиматься, сокращение |
Expand [ɪk'spænd] — расширять |
Rate [reɪt] — скорость, показатель |
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