When it comes to helping their children with learning English, parents are usually afraid of their own language and two questions are often asked: «Can I support my child if I don’t speak English well?». The answer for this question is «YES! You can help your child to gain in confidence and feel more motivated by giving them lots of praise and opportunities to practice English.» It’s easier for children to learn when they get ENCOURAGEMENT at home. You could also all learn some English together. If you are enthusiastic about learning the language, they will be too.
How can we practice English at home?
Learn little and often: regular practice helps children to learn any language. Keep activities short and fun (for younger learners 3–10 minutes). However, if your child is enjoying working on their own, let them control their own activity times.
Build confidence: children are sometimes afraid of making mistakes in front of their classmates. They often feel more comfortable trying things out with their parents. Praise them to create a sense of success and encourage them when they take «risks».
Focus on your child’s interests: teachers prepare lessons that they hope will interest the whole class, whereas you can really focus on your child’s interests. Choose materials together that your child will enjoy the most, whether dinosaurs or dancing!
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