Part of what really matters to me when working with kids is their level of concentration. Since they have to do repetition a lot, most just get used to doing that automatically without caring to know what they’re saying. As for me, I’ll stop to ask them to either translate what they’re repeating or narrate it (inspite of photos or videos).
It draws back their attention, make them more focused and they seem to remember the subject much more better after such an encounter. I try as much as possible to encourage them to abstain from using the irritating answer «I don’t know» (Teens). There’s always something to say if you think deeply and if you get prepared for your class (I tell them to always be conscious they’re heading to our school before coming. To picture they’re be in class and have to interact). Then it becomes easier once this exercise is taking into consideration. I’ll like to add here that parents should be «pestering». What I mean is that they should continue to ask and puzzle them for answers and feedbacks at every available chance.
Thanks for reading! Be back.
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