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английского языка
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    Оксюмороны в английском языке

    Сэмьюэль Поттс
    Белфаст, Северная Ирландия
    О преподавателе

    Слышали ли вы об оксюморонах при изучении английского языка? Сегодня Сэм расскажет, что это такое и какие из оксюморонов являются самыми употребляемыми в речи носителей.

    One of the most interesting and colourful aspects of English is perhaps the oxymoron. The word oxymoron comes from the Greek word «oksús», meaning sharp, and the word «mōros», meaning foolish. The entomology of the word, however, doesn’t explain what on Earth they are. Can you explain what «clearly confused» means? What about «awfully good», or «terribly interesting»?

    Oxymorons are figures of speech with two very different ideas, often positive and negative, these words appear to contradict each other. Oxymorons are used to add flavour or drama to descriptions. Some of the most well-known include:

     Act naturally
     The same difference
     Almost exactly
     Found missing
     Larger half
     Pretty ugly

    In the 90’s a band called «The Verve» sang a song called «Bittersweet Symphony» which described life from one perspective.

    Shakespeare wrote about the «sweet sorrow» of a couple saying goodnight, in his work — «Romeo and Juliet».

    My challenge to you is to explore some of these phrases yourself and see if you can understand their meaning, then start to use them in your English.

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    Программы изучения английского языка для детей