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    Основные правила деловой переписки на английском языке

    Наталья Мамонова
    Новосибирск, Россия
    О преподавателе

    В современном мире, особенно в том, который существует с тех пор, как началась пандемия, чтобы эффективно вести деловую переписку на английском языке, нам необходимо следовать определённым правилам. В этой статье Наталья расскажет, как писать электронные письма на английском языке, чтобы точно, ясно и корректно донести свои мысли до адресата.

    In today’s world, especially the one that’s been around since the pandemic started, if you want to have efficient business communication, you definitely have to follow several rules of writing emails. Let’s speak about them now!

    First, there are some basic principles of any correspondence. You have to politely greet the person, and for business communication that should reflect your relationship with the party. To those who you can call by their first names, write “Dear…” followed by their name. If you’re writing to a department or you don’t know the recipient, you can use “Dear Sir or Madam” or “To Whom it may concern”. 

    Then, try to be precise, clearly express why you’re writing and what the purpose of the letter is. Don’t make your sentences overly complicated, use simple language, remember: above all, you want to be understood, so try to make your message transparent and brief.

    To sound more coherent and not to lose the track of your thought you’d better use linking words and expressions such as "however", "whereas", "while", "although", "moreover", "In addition", "furthermore", "consequently", "as a result", "therefore", "thus", "due to" and many more.

    Also it might be helpful to use some abbreviations for instance "asap" (as soon as possible), "Dept" (Department), "CEO" (Chief Executive Officer), "Corp" (Corporation), "FYI" (for your information) etc.

    Then you need to close the email. To sound more professional you could use these followed by your name, title and contact information: Sincerely; Regards; Kind regards; Thank you; Warm wishes; With gratitude; Many thanks.

    When you’re done writing the email always read it to avoid possible logical errors and grammar mistakes. Good luck!

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