An idiom is a group of words with a general meaning that is different from the individual words, and often difficult to understand from the individual words. Here are some common idioms:
The teacher told us to get a move on. (hurry; be quick)
My wife and I take it in turns to cook. (I cook one day, she cooks the next, etc.)
I don’t know the answer off-hand. (without looking it up or asking someone)
It’s not far. We can take a short cut through the park. (a quick way)
I’m not very good at small talk. (social talk; not about serious things)
I’m sorry I can’t make it on Friday. (come)
I asked her to keep an eye on my suit case while I went to the toilet. (watch/look after)
BE CAREFUL! With many idioms, if you make just a small mistake, it can sound strange, funny or badly wrong.
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