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    Различия между «Grocery store», «Supermarket» и «Produce market»

    Сегодня мы вместе с Рейно отправимся на шоппинг и разберёмся в различиях таких английских слов, как «Grocery store», «Supermarket» и «Produce market».

    As I thought about what to write this week, I was standing in the queue at Лента, and I realised how many different ways I use to talk about buying items in shops.

    It is very usual for me to say that I am going shopping and I think that you will all understand that this means I am going to spend money in a shop (or shops) somewhere. I could have some specific items I want to buy, or I could just go to a center like Аура and walk around and spend money on things I didn’t need. Shopping is the activity of buying things...

    I sometimes say that I am going grocery shopping. This is the kind of shopping I do not always enjoy! When going grocery shopping, I will buy the items needed in my home: meat, diary, frozen foods, breads, cereal, rice, pasta, other foods and household goods. These items will be called groceries.

    This means that I can only go grocery shopping in a shop like Гастроном, as I would primarily be shopping for things in the house. Some grocery shops, like Лента, sell more than household goods so they would be called supermarkets and not grocery stores.

    I could be even more specific and say I am going to my greengrocer (also called a produce market or a fruiterer) when I want to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

    Dry groceries would be things like flour, dry beans, baking soda and canned goods.

    I could also refer to the things I bought as purchases, the act of buying something can be called purchasing an item.

    Wow, all of this because I was shopping for some New Year’s items. Have a happy week, folks! Keep reading and speaking, until next time.

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