What does it mean to be polite in the United Kingdom or Ireland? To be polite you should be careful to use extra words with strangers. It seems to me quite different from how strangers speak with each other in the Russian language. Let’s look at these important extra words.
The «magic words»:
British and Irish never tire of hearing the words «please» and «thank you», and even if you overuse them it will be positive. Start or finish any requests with «please» and remember to say «thank you» afterwards.
«Would» and «could»:
Polite requests are usually longer in English. We often add «would» or «could». Some examples include:
Could you repeat that please?
Could you open the window please?
Would you mind if I turn off the air conditioner?
Usually avoid imperatives:
In most situations, it’s best to avoid using imperatives with strangers. When we hear these they normally seem bossy and not polite. Some examples are:
Take this money.
Here you are.
Give me a coffee.
Could you give me a cappuccino please?
Using these words will help you to better communicate and build friendships with other English speakers.
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