“What do you do?” is a question we often ask people to know what their occupation is. Of course, it’s easy to say, “I’m a doctor, teacher or manager.” But more importantly, what do people think of their job? Is it something they like? Are they satisfied at work? These are valid questions that deserve a clear answer. In order to describe one’s attitude towards work or just a general feeling of one’s job, certain words may be used in front of ‘work’ or ‘job’. You may use any of the following:
∙ exciting (увлекательный), stimulating (возбуждающий интерес), satisfying (доставляющий удовольствие), fascinating (увлекательный): the work is interesting and gives you positive feelings
∙ hard (трудный, тяжелый), demanding (требующий усилий), tough (трудный), tiring (утомительный): the work is difficult and makes you tired
∙ uninteresting (неинтересный), dull (унылый), boring (скучный), unstimulating (нестимулирующий): the work is not interesting
∙ repetitive (повторяющийся), routine (рутинный): the work involves doing the same things again and again
As for me, I love my job. Teaching is my passion; therefore, I describe my work as fascinating and satisfying especially when I see the results in my students. Not only that, it also gives me joy to know that they’re happy to be in my class. This beautiful world of teaching makes me excited to share my knowledge and to learn from my students as well. I hope everyone feels the same way about their job.
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