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    Интересные английские фразы на тему «Money»

    Райно Рэйчет
    Кейп Таун, Южная Африка
    О преподавателе

    В своих статьях Рейно часто знакомит нас с интересными разговорными английскими фразами. На этот раз он расскажет о популярных выражениях на тему «Money».

    I have no idea what made me think of this topic, maybe I was looking at my very «sad» bank balance after the holidays. I decided to look at some expressions we often use which may, or may not, contain the word money in them. At the very least they are all used when money is the topic of conversation.

    I wish I could buy the new Samsung phone being released later this month however, I am afraid that it will break the bank. Of course, I do not believe that it will really «break the bank», that is impossible! But... The use of this expression is telling you that if I decide to buy this phone, I will have absolutely no money left for any other necessary purchases. Probably better to buy something a little cheaper then...

    Often when I went out to a restaurant with friends of mine (this is when I lived in South Africa) someone would offer «to foot the bill» at the end of the evening. I always find this expression funny, my foot has nothing to do with this, but my bank account does... This means that the person who made the offer will pay the bill for everyone at the table! I hope you have some cool friends who do this sometimes.

    Something we South African people are used to doing is «to grease someone’s palm». Some people need a little bit of extra «motivation» before they will get a job done. I think you understand what this expression means? A little extra bribe money paid to get something done, or done faster or even to get something approved which should not be! It seems a little money under the table gets the job done much faster at times, sad but true...

    Now, if you know a someone who «has money to burn», it means that you have a friend who is «loaded». Sorry, I’m using one expression to explain another. Both of these expressions mean that your friend has a lot of money, although the first one is used a little more often when we talk about spending habits.

    Folks, that is all I have for this week! My fingers are frozen, this weather is something else.

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